Create Image variations manually or automatically with BakeMyWeb

While working with images, cropping a bunch of them to a certain dimension is often a boring, but mandatory chore. Assume you want to send a mail with images of a specific size (say, 300x400px). You can do it manually using an image editing application, or probably use a smarter solution. Learn just how easily you can do it without spending your valuable time on menial tasks.

Sign in and navigate to your Project. Click on Host > Images.

Select an image (or multiple images), and click Other Sizes > Add New in the configuration panel. Define sizes as you need and click on the Save Size(s) button.

select images

You can now click on Preview button to view the details of that image. These images are ready to be used instantly, and you can also download any variation using the download link.

download image variation

You can use the hosted link directly too. Click the copy button next to the image variation. This will copy the absolute URL of the hosted image to your clipboard. You can use this URL anywhere you need. This feature comes in really handy while sharing your image or using it in a blog post, etc.

copy image variation url

The Image resize option works at the folder level too!

Say you want to have all your blog header images to be of the same size (300x400px). You may create a folder and Add New size in the Folder level common sizes. Image variations will be automatically created for any image that you upload to this folder. If you want to add another size later on, you can do that too. Just specify a size in a similar fashion, and we do the rest!

add a variation at the folder level

If you so wish, you can download the entire folder along with all its variations at one shot. Just select the folder and hit the download button. We will compress the whole folder so you can download them together. The originals will always be there if you need along with all its metadata.

Stay tuned & keep baking! 🍰

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